“Weathered Bouquets”


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When these flowers came I was disheartened.  They had been through the mill at the wedding and traveled a few hours to get to me.  And they were mostly orchids to boot which made my heart sink even more.  I am always honest with my clients.  Why lie?  If you don’t tell them right up front that some flowers do not come out well don’t you think they’ll question the final product when you hand it over to them?  Orchids are tough and they are moody and I honestly don’t know what I’m going to get when I open up the box I have them drying in.  I’ve studied lots of different  photos on the internet.  I’ve only read one who has no problem with orchids and of course they are not willing to share their secret.  Frankly I share with anyone who wants to know how I do what I do.  It’s not like all people are going to run out and start their own flower preserving business just like that.  It takes patience, for one thing, because it can be a very tedious process from beginning to end.

At any rate, the flowers arrived and I always try to save something because I think it’s so important to have a treasure from a special event.  Even if I can only get one or two flowers something pretty can be made.  Fortunately for me they also sent with the Bride’s bouquet a centerpiece from one of the reception tables.  Though it was not in the best of shapes, there was promise.  A little mixing and matching and here is the finished product.  I loved it.  Aged, yes – but lovely just the same.  I know that other shops will replace flowers because a bouquet has gotten pretty beat up.  I like to use what’s given to me anyway.  I just think that there is something holding that Bride’s heart when she knows those were the actual flowers she carried or the actual flowers that were on the tables at her reception. 

I’m kind of sentimental that way.



“The Flowers Look So Real” she said.



 click the picture to enlarge.


“The flowers look so real”  she said.  That always amuses me when I get that comment……..and I get it often.  “They are real” I always answer.  And it’s true…….they are.  And isn’t that just the best?  To be able to keep your actual flowers that mean so much to you?

That’s what I’m thinkin’.

It’s time for Change


I have to say, as I have gone through life, that I have mostly hated change. We grow into our routines. They make us feel comfortable, safe……even if life is not that great we still hold on to the “comfort” that the “sameness” represents. At least that’s how I used to feel.

Then one day, a few years ago, my world was rocked and the change that faced me was too overwhelming for me to bear………or so I thought. After about 3 months of walking around in somewhat of a stupor and stumbling for my way………life changed again. I strongly grabbed on to the hand of God and said let’s do it Lord……..let’s take on this world together in a way I have never done. From that time on I have embraced changed in most situations because it is a good thing.

And so it is with Anne Bruening Originals. It is going through change. It’s ok. I like it, actually. I am watching a dream come true that I have had from the beginning – that one day I might be totally “custom” order………I just didn’t think it would be in this way. Times have changed, people have changed, economy has surely changed. I noticed about 2 years ago that my retail sales were changing big time……retail as in coming in to the shop and just purchasing for the home. People were buying groceries and paying bills…….not buying “fluff”……..and that’s what I am…..”fluff”! A non-essential.

I learned years ago that if a business is to run well it must “find a need and fill it”. “Who needs dried flowers Lord?” I would ask almost daily. I have found out, in the last several years, that many people need dried flowers………..just not in the way I originally began.

And so…….Anne Bruening Originals is closing the doors to the basic retail end of the business I once had and opening the door to 100% Floral Preservation. It has been the way it has been going. It has been 98% of my sales…….it is what my clients need and what I love to do for them.

I think of a dear man who recently came to the studio who had just lost his wife to pancreatic cancer. They had 3 weeks. No one was prepared for this. She………younger than me. He had a simple rose from the funeral…….already 2 weeks old and quite withered………and their wedding rings……would I put them in a frame he asked?

Oh dear God……I love my job……..thank You for helping me find the need and fill it. I couldn’t be more blessed.

As most of you know…….my door has always been open. As long as I’m home I am open and available to you. But no longer do I have “regular” shop hours. Appointments are necessary as I am learning that it can often take a client an hour and more to decide on how they want their flowers displayed. It is important that they have their time uninterrupted. Still……….if you are driving by………you are welcome to come up and knock on the door and make that appointment (which could be for right then and there).

Feel free to comment and ask questions………I do my best to be available 24/7 though that’s not always possible. Just know that I do deeply care about what you think. And thank you for 20 years that has brought me to this wonderful place in this business. It has been and still is a wonderful journey.



‘Tis the Season…..

Roses were placed on the altar in memory of 3 special grandparents.


It is, indeed, wedding season.  The question is, how many out there know that people like me exist that can save their flowers?  Just because I think about it all the time doesn’t mean the rest of the world is thinking about this. 

So here is your gentle reminder…….it’s wedding season………don’t forget to find someone who can save your flowers from your special day.  Too pricey?  I know that I have several options to fit all budgets………..ranging from $25.00 to several hundred (if that’s what you should choose).  The important thing is that something is saved that will give you a treasured memory for years to come.

So, remember me, Anne Bruening Originals, so that I can remember your event in a most special way.

Weddings and Floral Preservation


Bridal Bouquet preserved


I’m sure you’ve noticed in your life that whatever you’re involved in at the time it seems like everyone else is too.  For example,  when I was pregnant with my first born child I was suddenly surrounded by pregos everywhere.  It seemed like the whole world was pregnant.  You catch my drift!  The same happens in the business world I believe. 

It has been my opinion, until I spoke with a fellow comrade who felt differently, that everyone knows about floral preservation.  I’m now learning that perhaps this is not the case.  Lately I’ve signed up on several wedding websites only to see that they have no category for floral preservation…..huh?  You see, when I look up floral preservation on the internet, my computer automatically attracts all the different websites of people who do what I do……..and yet I am discovering that many in the wedding industry do not even acknowledge this business.  This could explain why I get so many calls on a Monday from a frantic mother left with instructions to “find someone who can save this”.  Had they been informed to begin with they wouldn’t have had to call around to 10 or so different flower shops to see if they do it or know anyone who does.

So there you have it.  I would certainly welcome thoughts and ideas that you might have to help spread the word of this particular industry.  There’s nothing like a good brainstorming session to get the creative juices flowing.

In the meantime……..have a great Sunday, and a great Father’s day, and a wonderful day in God’s beautiful world!

