“Weathered Bouquets”

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When these flowers came I was disheartened. They had been through the mill at the wedding and traveled a few hours to get to me. And they were mostly orchids to boot which made my heart sink even more. I am always honest with my clients. Why lie? If you don’t tell them right up front that some flowers do not come out well don’t you think they’ll question the final product when you hand it over to them? Orchids are tough and they are moody and I honestly don’t know what I’m going to get when I open up the box I have them drying in. I’ve studied lots of different photos on the internet. I’ve only read one who has no problem with orchids and of course they are not willing to share their secret. Frankly I share with anyone who wants to know how I do what I do. It’s not like all people are going to run out and start their own flower preserving business just like that. It takes patience, for one thing, because it can be a very tedious process from beginning to end.
At any rate, the flowers arrived and I always try to save something because I think it’s so important to have a treasure from a special event. Even if I can only get one or two flowers something pretty can be made. Fortunately for me they also sent with the Bride’s bouquet a centerpiece from one of the reception tables. Though it was not in the best of shapes, there was promise. A little mixing and matching and here is the finished product. I loved it. Aged, yes – but lovely just the same. I know that other shops will replace flowers because a bouquet has gotten pretty beat up. I like to use what’s given to me anyway. I just think that there is something holding that Bride’s heart when she knows those were the actual flowers she carried or the actual flowers that were on the tables at her reception.
I’m kind of sentimental that way.
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