Let’s Talk Trash!


What kind of a title is this for todays’ thought?  Simply this:  when the flowers in this wreath were first brought to me they arrived in a big laundry basket.  (more…)



This is my driveway!  To the right is my studio!  This was yesterday!  Yes, the thought of Spring is looking pretty good these days.  (more…)

“Hey Anne, can I save my own flowers instead of paying you to do it?”

I thought of doing this post when a phone call came the other day requesting information.  I am not always out to get your money.  (more…)

Between the Event & the Floral Preservation- “What do I do with my flowers? HELP!”- Part 2

   Yesterday I asked you to please NOT place the flowers you wish to save in your freezer (or outside in winter where they can freeze, or in the garage during bitter cold temperatures) – in other words – Do not place your flowers anywhere that they might freeze.  Enough said! (more…)

Between the Event & the Floral Preservation- “What do I do with my flowers? HELP!”- Part 1

I could tell you great stories about where some of the flowers have come from that have been dropped off at my shop over the years!  I’m sure I will tell those stories over time as all information is helpful for you to know what to do with your own flowers after your “event” is over. (more…)