Here I go again.  I make grand promises to myself and it never gets very far.  I intended to update this blog monthly at the very least.  And here a year has gone by.  Sometimes I figure what more can one say about floral preservation?  But really – it is wedding time and, indeed, something ought to be said.  When you have your beautiful flowers in your hand on your wedding day this summer you’re going to suddenly want to find someone who preserves flowers.  Thinking about it before it happens would be the best way to go – but if you have forgotten to put it on your “to do” list and the big day is over……….don’t fret!  Throw that bouquet into some family members’ hands and say “FIND SOMEONE TO PRESERVE THIS” – and then leave them with their mouth hanging open while you go and enjoy your honeymoon!

I’m here for ya!  It’s never too late to save something from that bouquet!



Floral Preservation – What is it?

zuraskiclosebig.jpgHere is my issue.  The more I research flower preservation the more I am realizing that most of the public DOES NOT know that such a thing exists!  I’m the type of person who absolutely hates SPAM.  Do not flood my computer with ad after ad after ad.  Because of my intense dislike of SPAM (altho – I admit that I am one of the oddities who likes to eat the stuff called spam) – I avoid pushing my service because I hate people like me who do such things.  AND YET…………if I don’t tell you about it how will you know?  Not only that – but I need you to tell others about it as well!

Oh yeah – I’m sentimental and chances are you are too.  We all save memories in various ways.  How many times I have heard “we spent all that money on flowers it’s a shame to just toss them out.”  Well guess what…………you don’t have to!

Food for thought!

