Floral Preservation or Bust – Part 1

Stupid title?  Not so sure.  18 years in the industry and hours of research show that this is a much overlooked venue.  Even the wedding industry rarely mentions floral preservation on its’ “to-do” lists for the bride.  Yet here’s the problem – it IS one of the first things the bride thinks about when her actual wedding day arrives!

The usual scenario goes something like this:  Doorbell rings, florist arrives with flowers, bride is mesmorized by her beautiful bouquet.  Never in her wildest dreams did she ever realize how beautiful those flowers would be.  That’s when she decides she wants them saved.  Mom is left with the task of finding someone AFTER the wedding is over.

Brides – get this on your list of things to do before your wedding day.  Don’t be caught off-guard by the beauty of your flowers and then have the chance of them being ruined because you didn’t take the time to check out your options.  Check out the internet for floral preservation in your area or nearby area.  Many times your florist will know of someone who is skilled in this trade. 

More on this next time!



Before and After


Flowers & Freezing DO NOT MIX

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                It’s been a bitter winter here in Pennsylvania and I am so ready for this frigid weather to come to an end.  However, it has gotten me to thinking about flowers this time of year.  We all know that we have to be careful about when to plant our gardens in the Spring incase of a late freeze – but have you ever thought about the flowers that mean so much to you on your wedding day if you get married in January?    (more…)


PERFECTION.  Isn’t that what we all strive for?  Is that even realistic?  Well………..you won’t get perfection with me! (perhaps I’d better clarify).

What you bring to me is what you are going to get back when the product is finished.  If your flowers have arrived beaten up, smashed, browned on the edges – well – that’s what’s going to be returned to you.  (Click on the picture for a closer look.  You’ll see the browned edges on the roses.)  Unless you have given me instructions to go purchase new flowers then you’re going to get back exactly what you gave to me.

But isn’t that the best anyway?  As I’ve said in the past – I’m sentimental – and I would want the flowers that were the ones actually carried down the aisle or were on that casket at the funeral home.

So…..I do not promise perfect flowers………..but I do promise to do my best with what you have given to me.  And it is an honor to do so.




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Here I go again.  I make grand promises to myself and it never gets very far.  I intended to update this blog monthly at the very least.  And here a year has gone by.  Sometimes I figure what more can one say about floral preservation?  But really – it is wedding time and, indeed, something ought to be said.  When you have your beautiful flowers in your hand on your wedding day this summer you’re going to suddenly want to find someone who preserves flowers.  Thinking about it before it happens would be the best way to go – but if you have forgotten to put it on your “to do” list and the big day is over……….don’t fret!  Throw that bouquet into some family members’ hands and say “FIND SOMEONE TO PRESERVE THIS” – and then leave them with their mouth hanging open while you go and enjoy your honeymoon!

I’m here for ya!  It’s never too late to save something from that bouquet!

