Glorious Day!



Do I LOVE floral preservation?  Absolutely I do!  To me there is something very spiritual about holding Gods’ creation in your hand that you have been able to save for someone.  Unfortunately I can not do this 24 hours a day as I wish I could do.  I have more than one trade, the other being the “music” side of me.  And so I teach handbells at the local college here in town and also at my church home along with leading the Adult Chancel choir.  This time of year is a delight, though, because my church and college job wind down for the season.  What does this do for me?  Well, it frees up my evenings for 3 to 4 months.

I love free evenings.  I mow, I putz, I have client appointments easily at night for their convenience.  I wake up in the morning and know that I have the ENTIRE day and evening ahead to do whatever I want……….that means MORE studio time.

And so, my last college class ended yesterday with a “gig” in our church service.  They played wonderfully and I was very proud of them.  But, today, I admit that I woke up with a huge smile on my face.  I have no Monday night college handbell rehearsals tonight nor for the next  several weeks.  I am ready to be in the studio and just enjoy my flowers!  Along with that also is the warmer weather to enjoy after such a long cold winter.

Yes……….a glorious day is ahead of me and I shall enjoy every single precious moment of it.  God is so good!



One Response to “Glorious Day!”

  1. Hi Anne,
    I really like your work! Do you think that it would be beneficial to put a counter on your site too?
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